Missing ayyah for suratul waqiah from line 17 to line 50
in progress
Mohamad Ali Asnawi Bin Nor Azmy
Assalamualaikum All developers. First of all thank you for providing this website for muslim to read quran. May Allah bless you all :).
I have encounters a missing ayat line 17 to 50 and I saw someone already rise this issues. Hence i will rise it again since I have still encounters this issue. For extra information, Im using ios in safari. Im not sure for others operating system like android. Hopefully can resolve this issues. Thank you in advance.
Tameem Karim Pathan
Assalam Alikum. How is the progress going? I am still unable to view lines 17-50. May Allah make it easy for you to resolve.
Tameem Karim Pathan
I have also noticed the missing ayyahs from line 17-50 (when using the Tajweed mode). Really hope this would be fixed asap.
I am using iOS and Chrome as the web browser.
Osama Raafat
in progress
Walid Moustafa
Assalamu Alaikum,
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for reaching out and notifying us about this issue!
To help us investigate further, could you please let us know your iOS version?
Quran.com Feedback Team
Mohamad Ali Asnawi Bin Nor Azmy
Walid Moustafa Waalaikummussalam Ya Akhi.
Currently, I am using iOS 17.6.1 (21G93), but I read the Quran using a browser.
I have also encountered some bugs with the Quran.com app, where the tajweed is not highlighted as per the settings. It would be a great help for users like me to have access to an offline app since I sometimes have limited internet access. To be honest, I am still learning to read the Quran correctly, and the highlighted tajweed helps me a lot in reading with more confidence.
May Allah grant you His blessings and Jannah. Have a wonderful day ahead :)
Mohamad Ali Asnawi Bin Nor Azmy