Improved Widget Functionality
husam khan
It would be amazing if there was an improved widget functionality that can provide some customisability (see Widget updates from Android 12) and other features.
From looking at the android app repository on Github, I may be able to code some improvements myself and provide them for free ofc.
It would be nice to be able to have a more modular design to the widget where for example you can choose what icons appear on the 4x1 widget and are able to make alter the transparency of the widget background etc.
Additional other widget ideas could be one that has a daily rotating/randomised short surah that you can put on your lock or home screen to read without having to open the app itself.
Walid Moustafa
Assalamu Alaikum,
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for reaching out and sharing your feedback with us! We greatly appreciate it and will share your input with our team.
Thanks, Feedback Team