Add Qira'at (e.g., Warsh, Qaloon)
Abdul Rasheed
Kindly add recitation of more Qirāʼahs
Abul Hussein
I can help with providing the text of different Qiraat in standard Unicode format.
Not all Qiraat are published by KFCPHQ in text format. We should start with Qaloon, as it is the first riwayah of the first Qiraah. Then add more.
Is there an estimate when this feature will come in sha Allah? I have a Hifth student so this would be beneficial. Jazkallu khayran Khayran may Allah reward you all
Some 1
اللهم سهل و اصلح
Osama Sayed
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Can you guys please all of the other Qirāʼahs of the Qur'an too? A feature where we can change the Qirāʼah of the Qur'an. Just how we are able to switch between translations, this feature would be really helpful...
Osama Sayed
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Request to add different qira'at
Saeed Mistry
Assalamalaikum, I just wanted to request adding the 10 different qira'at styles as options for reading, because different styles (eg. warsh) have some variations in the words and rules that require a different mushaf. Please look into my request I would appreciate it inshallah. Thank you for a great website
Osama Sayed
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riwayat warch
Rayan Lajoui
can u please add riwayat warch
Osama Sayed
Can you please add qaloon? Also can you add the tajweed as it is in the photo I’ve attached? I’ve seen the feature of tajweed but it is far from what we have available in hardcopy. It would be amazing if you added it!
Also would be great if you opened some social media accounts like telegram twitter or instagram so that we can follow the updates a lot better. Not to mention all the access you’ll get by connecting with people from various platforms.
١١4.Qaloon (telegram)
Osama Sayed
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Different riwayats
Pc-Man Bruh
Dear brothers and sisters. First of all, barak Allahu feekum for making such a universal and helpful way to acces the final holy Book which Allah has revealed to Muhammad [SAW].
I have been using your site primarily for translations of surats. However, when I don't have my wudu, I struggle a lot to find a mushaf online in riwayat Warsh since I recite in this riwayat. For this I wish to request for the availability of different riwayats of the Quran.
Wa Jazakumullahu khair.
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